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Audacity Jones to the Rescue Page 17

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Larson, Kirby, author.

  Audacity Jones to the Rescue / Kirby Larson.—First edition.

  pages cm

  Summary: Audacity Jones is an eleven-year-old orphan living a monotonous life at Miss Maisie’s School for Wayward Girls, and wondering why nothing exciting ever happens—but when the mysterious Commodore Crutchfield whisks her away to Washington D.C., she finds herself involved in a sinister and dangerous plot against the president of the United States.

  ISBN 978-0-545-84056-9 (jacketed hardcover) 1. Orphans—Juvenile fiction. 2. Conspiracies—Juvenile fiction. 3. Adventure stories. 4. Washington (D.C.)—Juvenile fiction. [1. Orphans—Fiction. 2. Conspiracies—Fiction. 3. Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. 4. Washington (D.C.)—Fiction.] I. Title.

  PZ7.L32394Au 2016



  First edition, February 2016

  Cover design by Carol Ly

  Cover art by Brandon Dorman, © 2016 by Scholastic Inc.

  e-ISBN 978-0-545-84062-0

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